Monday, October 24, 2005


Well we played in Lewisham on Saturday night at Dirty South... From playing front of 500+ people at the Marquee, we played in front of about 7 people at Dirty South. It happens... We have a fan base just about everywhere except South East London! We played well. We bashed through our set like we were declaring war on the audience, blaming them for it being DEAD. It's stupid that you moan about it being empty to the people that are actually there, I know. We thought the promoters were tried and tested and pulled their own crowd and that's why we were interested in doing the gig in the first place. Giles's first words at the mic were "Hello Busy Lewisham". Alex (drums) wanted to pull his gear off stage and piss off home. Spoilt brats we are. Joke. I can understand why Alex was angry. It's just that we've done so many great shows to a lot of people and promoters are starting to come to us to offer gigs. We're almost in a position where we can pick and choose. To me, we made £100 out of the gig which is unusual and I treated it like a rehearsal. Maybe we should have jammed some new material that's not quite ready yet. Those 7 people may go and tell their friends about us, who may go and tell their friends and on and on...who knows? On Thursday 3rd November, we're back in South West London at The Watershed in Wimbledon. Looks like a good venue. My only problem with it is that there's a room where a DJ plays rock n roll music just before the room where a band plays live rock n roll. The room where the DJ was playing rock n roll was a lot busier. It was when I was there last anyway. What's that all about?


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